Unlock your potential,

Acquire the skills you need to succeed in all your exams!

Choose your exam.

Not your average test prep!

Designed by a team of dedicated teaching and learning specialists with students in mind.



Want to ace your exams but not sure where to start? Our exam skills section will help you plan and organise your study for maximum success.



Study resources, checklists and questions by topic, designed by experienced educators using AI and the best metacognative strategies so you can study smarter, not harder.



Past test papers and answer keys in one convenient place. Our custom test analysis guides help identify your strengths and weaknesses.


We know what students need to be successful test takers. Our team of dedicated teaching and learning specialists have over 120 years of combined teaching experience.


Metacognition is having an awareness of one’s own learning. At ZamSkilz we are passionate about developing content that will take your test skills to the next level.


Feeling overwhelmed?  Not sure where to start?  Our Plan, Prep, Practice strategy will help you map out your study sessions so you can pass your exams with confidence.

Affordable Prices

At ZamSkilz we think every child should have access to outstanding learning materials. That’s why we offer a selection of free material and 3 affordable pricing plans.

Why us

Effective study methods and materials are the key to success.

Everyone knows that you need to study to be successful in your exams, but do you know the most effective way to study?  That is where we can help!

Break Inneffective Habits

Students often don't realize that they are using ineffective study strategies such as rereading, highlighting, underlining and cramming. A full 80% of undergraduates reported that they had not been taught how to study by their teachers

Gain Effective Study Skills

Our methods have been researched and developed by the world’s top learning scientists. That is why utilizing them effectively will give you not only an edge but an entire leg up on the competition!

Everything You Need

No need to search endless resources for study materials and then waste valuble time trying to organize them. At ZamSkils we take the guesswork out of designing an effective study plan for all your subjects.

"ZamSkilz prepares you to achieve your goals."

We don't just provide you with outstanding content, our unique study aids are designed to help you plan your revision time, tailor the content that you need and read, interpret and understand test questions like a pro!. 

Our success stories


"Your test planning is so useful. I was able to study all the topics I needed in time for my exam"
Lily Granger​


"My daughter really struggled with preparing for tests. ZamSkilz study tips and organized materials have transformed her into an effective and confident test taker."​
Jeson Foxx


"The way you break down test questions is soooo useful. I actually get what the questions are asking now!"​
Ron Burnwood


"I used to spend tons of time looking for practice questions on a specific topic. Thank you ZamSkilz! You've saved me so much time!"​
Judy Sewell


"The affordable pricing meant my son was able to access amazing study materials and prepare for tests throught the year."
Anne Mcfadden